jodln + jandln: sounddesign and electroacoustic music for the stageplay by compagnie erweiterte zugeständnisse • premiere at schaubühne lindenfels, leipzig 2021

endivien – plotpoints of life: sounddesign and electroacoustic music for the stageplay by compagnie erweiterte zugeständnisse • premiere at schaubühne lindenfels, leipzig 2020

käthe – vom leben gezeichnet: sounddesign, electroacoustic music and sound art installation for the stageplay by compagnie erweiterte zugeständnisse • premiere in leipzig (2018), schaubühne lindenfels

angst, geh spielen: stageplay after fritz riemanns „vier grundformen der angst“ • sounddesign and electroacoustic music for the stageplay by compagnie erweiterte zugeständnisse • uraufführung in leipzig (2017), schaubühne lindenfels

giften: sounddesign and electroacoustic music for the stageplay by lot vekemans• in collaboration with franz schwarznau • production compagnie erweiterte zugeständnisse • uraufführung in leipzig (2017), naTo

erklär mir, inge: sounddesign and electroacoustic music for the stageplay by compagnie erweiterte zugeständnisse • uraufführung (2016) in leipzig, schaubühne lindenfels • further shows a.o. in wien (theater spielraum) und schaffhausen (schauwerk).

levitation: sounddesign and electroacoustic music for a dance theater production (2014) • first presentation in leipzig, theaterhaus am lindenauer markt, lofft • further presentations: dresden (festspielzentrum hellerau) • direction and stage: irene schröder / wolfgang kurtz • video: hector solari

die figur: sounddesign electroacoustic music for a stageplay by friederike köpf (2010) • premiere show at leipzig, theaterhaus am lindenauer markt, lofft • further presentations at vienna (theater spielraum).

iras protest: sounddesign for a stageplay by friederike köpf (2009) • premiere show at dresden (projekttheater) • further presentations at leipzig (nato).

hermanns haus: music for the stageplay by friederike köpf (2006) • premiere show at westphalsches haus, markkleeberg • further presentations at vienna, olbernhau and obermarchthal.
seeungeheuer: music for a dance and multimedia performance • with a contribution by christoph göbel • performativ parts by friederike köpf • associates: rainer schön, cathleen dräger, christoph wolf • work order by the city of markkleberg in occassion of the expo 2000 in hannover