rb080: cd-record published by resting bell • together with hkm+, diatribes, johannes sienknecht and piero sk
„If only there were a thin line between electronic music and European free improvisation. Instead, there’s more of thick, broad line — a gulf at times, really — between digitally processed music and the rich culture of abstract ensemble play. It’s a gulf occasionally, and increasingly, bridged by individuals like Ikue Mori and bands like Diatribes. The latter, consisting of d’incise (laptop & treatments, objects, percussions) and Cyril Bondi (drums, percussions), recently teamed up with the trio HKM+ (Ludger Hennig: laptop & software instruments; Christof Knoche: bass clarinet, live electronics; and Markus Markowski: prepared guitar, laptop & software instruments) and three other musicians: Piero SK (saxophones, metal clarinet), Robert Rehnig (laptop & software instruments), and Johannes Sienknecht (laptop & software instruments). The result is spectacular. At times, it’s spectacular simply because it’s exactly what such a teaming, what such a confluence, should sound like: hi-hats against droning synth tones, lightly brushed guitar chords against sharp textures, mouthy woodwind vibrations that seem to bleed into light static.“ marc weidenbaum, disquiet.com
improvised electroacoustic music as guest of hkm+ and diatribes as well as in various free constellations with nils alf, simon berz, cyril bondi, sébastien branche, marek brandt, michael breitenbach, d’incise, ruben d’hers, laurent estopee, geoff gersh, tim helbig, ludger hennig, alderk hespos, lin hui-chun, marko jevtic, stefan klemm, christoph knoche, stephan kühn, gwen kyrg, max loeb garcia, markus markowski, nyota, caro olbertz, mikolaj palosz, constantin popp, sciss, daniel schulz, luca de siena, johannes sienknecht, piero sk, zsolt sörés, igor stangliczky, dennis tan, ting chaong wen and others at various places such as 20°/44° (belgrade), acud theater (berlin), alte seifenfabrik (delmenhorst), artur rubinstein philharmonic (lodz), cinema obló (lausanne), headphone festival (pécs), interventionsraum (stuttgart), jim whiting’s bimbo town (leipzig), kub gallery (leipzig), kulturhaus mitte (berlin), lützerodaer klangkunsttage (lützeroda), maison du géant (salins-les-bains), modern hungarian art museum (pécs), mon ami (weimar), raum der kulturen (leipzig), studio r33 (budapest), the needle and the damage done (leipzig), weltecho (chemnitz), wendel (berlin), westpol art space (leipzig), w.i.m. (zürich) and more…

audiovisual live performances with andreas schremmer and tobias günther in leipzig (campus festival, westwerk, museum of contemporary art – paris syndrom, zoro, et.al.)
frauenzoo: sound environment (2-channel-audio) and performance for the exhibition „der frauenzoo in der werbung“. cityhall markkleeberg. performance in cooperation with friederike köpf and cathleen dräger (2002)