und ruhig fließt der rhein: music and sound design for the documentary movie by volker klotzsch and oliver matthes • germany 2021 • premiere at hof international movie festival 2022
nightmerde: sounddesign for the shortmovie, 3min • movie by paradox bay (florian rehnig, roman voigt, marcel weist, tobias günther) • winner at winfried von kessler lichtwirtschaft short movie contest, leipzig (2010)
der schwimmer: sound design for the short movie, 8min • movie by thomas vogel, johannes kölbel, jens schwengel, denis zdjelar • actors: thomas bartholomäus müller, larissa krammer, vanessa rottenburg. price: best camera at 48hours film berlin (2008) • first presentation at babylon kino, berlin
letter to ann: sounddesign for the shortmovie, 6min • movie by christof wolf • first presentation at new york film academy, new york (2005)